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Literature about the ALERION CLASS SLOOP

Now it's your turn!

The story of building the ALERION CLASS SLOOP in Nantucket reprinted from Historic Nantucket, Summer 2016,  the magazine of the Nantucket Historical Association.

The story of sailing Savanah Jane, Jimmy Buffet's ACS #6 back from the1980 Wooden boat exhibition in Mystic. A breezy day, an impromptu race and a fine adventure in an exceptional sailboat.

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Bibliography for Alerion

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Burnett, Constance Buel, "Let the Best Boat Win"

p 262, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1957, LC 57-7204.


Reference to N. G. Herreshoff’s last sail in his Alerion,

Bray, Maynard, "Herreshoff, American Masterpieces"

pp137-143, W. W. Norton & Company, New York 2017, ISBN 9780393089097.


A chapter mostly photos, of Alerion and her sister Sadie and some contemporary plank on frame reproductions.

Bray, Maynard and Pinero, Carlton, "Herreshoff of Bristol"

Wooden Boat Publications, Brooklin, ME, 1987, ISBN 0-937822-19-1.


Several references to Alerion, especially pp 130-131.

pp 53-66,   A Sail in the Alerion, The Rudder Publishing Company, New York, NY, 1946.


The story, told by Francis, of him sailing his father's Alerion back home to Bristol from New York where she had been dropped off by the steamer that had brought her from Bermuda.

My Own Boats, p 119,  Herreshoff Maritime Museum, 1998.


N. G.'s comments one his personal boats with an entry specifically on Alerion, his third sailboat of that name.

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